Friday, September 4, 2009

Day 25: Photo Entry

Below are a few pictures I was able to snap when my captors were distracted.

The dreaded gate to the FOB. Hope, faith, and happiness are all checked at the door.

An overview of a corner of the FOB: our "housing" is seen center frame; the small boxes to the left are solitary confinement cells; a guard tower watches over (far left), and the extermination chamber is seen center frame behind our cages.

One of the many friendly creatures that can be found roaming amongst us at the FOB. I suspect our captors set these demons upon us.

The vast nothingness that extends beyond the high walls of the FOB. I was nearly shot attempting to take this picture.

Our miserable quarters, where we are packed in, dozen after dozen. A breeding ground for all manner of diseases. Despair ran high in this cramped, hellish environment. The mattresses are covered in plastic wrapping to easily wipe away the bodily fluids of previous prisoners.

A desolate path in the FOB. The containers seen on the left are where prisoners are forced to sit for hours at a time counting ammunition for our captors.

The famed cattle truck.