Sunday, August 16, 2009

Day 11

Tomorrow is Day 11 of my captivity. Though we were granted a weekend furlough, my spirits sank tremendously upon my return. The news has been confirmed...we will be displaced to a smaller camp in a more remote area of this bleak wasteland. Our accommodations will shrink in size dramatically, something I thought the Red Cross wouldn't stand for, but the thought of that angelic organization intervening to save us is forlorn now. We will be cut off from communication with the outside world, so I'm not sure when my next update will come--if ever. No one is quite certain why we're being shipped out to this camp, which they call a FOB (I'm not sure what this acronym stands for, but I have surmised it means "Full Of Bullshit"). The chance that this "FOB" may, in fact, be an extermination camp seems oddly comforting now. With no end in sight to this abominable purgatory, I'm not sure how much longer I will last anyway. If Yahweh has a plan for me, I shall return to keep you abreast of the situation on the ground here. If not, goodbye and keep me in your thoughts and prayers.

Long Live the Free Officer Corps!

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