Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day 6

We are awoken at 0245...herded out into the "yard" by 0325. Our captors force us to pile pound after pound of useless equipment onto our backs, and we are forced to march. No purpose is given, no reason. And so we march into the darkness, heads hung low, struggling to put one foot in front of the other into the oblivion before us. At an arbitrary point, the guards tell us to turn around, to go all the way back. My spirits sink even lower than I thought possible. Hours later we return to our cell block, and are given a few minutes to clean the sweat from our bodies before we are ordered outside again. Though our captors know every one of us is well-versed in the operation of a M16/M4 series weapon system, they force us to conduct menial tasks with them for several hours. This consists of laying on the ground, pointing the (unloaded) weapon at a wall, and pulling the trigger. Again, and again, and again. I'm not sure if this is intended to be an insult, a trick, or some crude form of torture...or all three. We are granted a few short minutes to eat some gruel, and our captors, exhibiting their true cruelty, order us to add more weight to our bodies and perform the exact same task as aforementioned. Godwilling this will end soon.

Long Live the Free Officer Corps!

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